4 Important Things You Didn't Know About Bing Ads
Sep 09,2024

In so many ways, Bing Ads are quite similar to the Google AdWords, though most people may want to go for Google AdWords because of their popularity and the fact that Google remains the number one search engine in the world. If you are planning on trying Bing Ads, you may be asking yourself the questions, does advertising on Bing search engine works?


The answer is simple, advertising on Bing works and there are four major key features you may not be aware of when it comes to Bing Ads. 

Features you may not know about Bing Ads

#1: Bing ads are affordable - advertising on Bing brings numerous benefits and the reason being that the Bing Ads make use of auction method that is quite cheaper when it comes to cost-per-click and ad positions. Google ads actually have lower search CPC on Bing and you can save as much as 33% of what you will spend on Google AdWords.

#2: with Bing Ads, you can attach different campaigns according to different time zones

This feature will help a Bing Ad user schedule different ad, and such ads even become better managed. When you can schedule your Ads, you can manage them much easier, most especially when your business has gone international. Bing Ads will offer new options especially at the Ad group level hence you can quickly adjust the setting for a particular ad group, and make new changes to existing ad, without the need to create a whole new ad. You can learn more about this on iBoost. 

#3: Bing Ads are more flexible when it comes to controlling and targeting search demographics than search partner targeting 

Bing Ads will let you track which search partner is driving the most and the smallest traffic to your website. You may even use the Bing search to block a search partner from your website, without opting out of the remaining search partners. In order to change your search partners, simply go to the Campaign settings, and then add the search partner website to the "website exclusion" option. With Bing Ads, you can choose the age group and demographics you want your ads to reach.

#4: There are numerous advantages unique to Bing, that Google doesn't have yet

Social media extensions can make a whole lot of difference when it comes to directing ads to the targeted audience. Google Ads will only show Google+ link, and only followers of Google+ may be able to connect with the ads. Bing, on the other hand, has been connected with numerous social media networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Response to Bing Ads has been growing steadily over the years, with the activation of different social media networks. With the attraction of more traffic, the costs of Bing Ads has been achieving higher ROIs (Return on Investment).  With all these encouraging statistics, you don't have to think twice about using Bing Ads for your products and services. You can learn more about Bing Ads on iBoost.

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