Why Authentic Marketing is Important
Sep 09,2024

In the early days of the World Wide Web, a small handful of internet marketers used dishonest tactics that threatened to mar the relationship of consumers and online businesses for years. Now that such an era is behind us, and people are making purchases via websites every day of the year, we have successfully moved forward. However, there are a few who believe that the outdated methods of spamming and keyword stuffing is still the best way to make money in eCommerce. This couldn't be further from the truth. Today's online buyers are well educated and knowledgeable about marketing. They're informed and know that what kind of underhanded techniques to run away from. In today's highly competitive digital marketplace, it's vital that business owners understand that authenticity is the key to increasing their online presence. At iBoost, we help professionals around the country gain traffic, grow their conversion rate and skyrocket their revenue. We have learned a lot about the importance of integrity and honesty in developing quality customer relationships and are here to help your brand achieve the results you desire. 


People Crave Connection in Today's High Tech World

As the world becomes increasingly dependent on technology, people are beginning to miss face-to-face interaction. Now that so much of our communication is conducted via email, social media and texting, it's important that people can develop an emotional connection to your company. Sharing authentic stories and high quality, valuable information is essential if you want people to pay attention to your content. 

You Need to Cut Through the Onslaught of Media Noise 

Whether people are watching TV, scrolling through their news feed or browsing their favorite websites, they experience a constant barrage of advertisements. For many, it seems they wake and fall asleep to businesses vying for their time and money. As a natural response to overwhelm, many consumers have become desensitized and are becoming increasingly numb to ad campaigns of all kinds. To combat this, it's vital for a brand to cross the barrier and express more than just a desire for their wallet. You'll need to be real and raw, and allow them to see you as more than just another corporate logo or small business. Reach deep and connect with your company's true purpose. What do you provide for your customers that could truly enhance and improve their lives? Find ways to express these authentic truths and you'll discover that many will appreciate your effort and want to play a role in supporting a business they believe in.

As Options Increase So Does the Confusion

It's been proven time and again that consumers are more confident in making a purchase when they are given limited options. In prior decades, going to the grocery store or getting your pipes repaired wasn't such a struggle. There might be a handful of soups on the shelf, or two competing plumbing companies in any given town. Things have changed drastically since then. Now, even small towns will have a dozen or more businesses that provide similar products or services. Once a customer goes online to do their shopping, these options expand exponentially. It can feel very intimidating for some to make a final decision when there are so many different websites to pick from. Authentic marketing can help you stand out from the crowd. When someone shares a sincere blog post or a potent video with their friends and family, your message will be more memorable when it comes time for them to make a purchasing decision. If you've touched their heart or given them a piece of useful information that produced results for them, then they will trust that you will continue to be a company worthy of doing business with.

Are You Ready to Get Your Authentic Marketing Message to the Masses? Call iBoost Today

Have you been trying to get your brand seen, but feel overwhelmed by the competition? Let the experts at iBoost help. Our team of experienced SEO and digital marketing specialists will work one on one with you to find the perfect solution for your company. 

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