Top Tips for Getting Amazing Results Using Facebook Ads
Sep 09,2024

Facebook boasts over 3 million active advertisers, up 50% from 2015. We can make two conclusions from this information. That it must be working for so many advertisers to continue spending their marketing budgets on Facebook ads, and that the competition is quickly heating up. With so many similar businesses showing up on your target audience's feed, how do you get the attention of new clients and customers? Though Facebook ads are pay per click, the techniques can be different than more traditional models used on Adwords for instance. We created a quick list of tips that can help your business' next campaign boost your return on investment like never before. 


Choose the Right Interests

One of the greatest features of using Facebook ads is the ability to narrowly target who sees your ad. You can set preferences for everything from people who just had a baby, women whose birthdays are coming up in a week and 40 year olds who like to read comic books. The possibilities are truly endless. While this is a wonderful asset, it can also be a bit overwhelming to choose which ones to use. Before you make your decision, take extra time to really think about what your ideal customers are interested in, what their lifestyle is like, how old they are, and where they live. By using the interests feature wisely, you can really increase the chances of a future client clicking on your ad.

Date Before You Propose

People on Facebook aren't really looking to buy anything. They most likely want to watch cat videos during their lunch break or find out when their best friend is coming back from her vacation. People don't really appreciate being sold to as much as they want to get to know and “follow” or “like” something. Some people use Facebook as a way to remember people and products that they might want in the future when they have more time to go over the details. If you try to get them to pull out their credit card right away, there's a good chance they'll hit the back arrow and leave your site. It's better to get them to like or follow your Facebook page, or send them to a landing page where they can sign up for your newsletter.

Image is Everything

In Adword campaigns, the copy is one of the most important factors in whether or not someone clicks your ad, rather than skimming over it. However, Facebook is very visual. People scroll through their phones quickly, to catch up on as much information as they can in the shortest amount of time. If you want your ad to stand out, it's important that you implement great design. Using unreadable fonts and typography, or blurry photos isn't going to generate much interest.

It's All About the Landing Page

You are throwing your money out the window if the place your Facebook ad directs to isn't converting. There are several factors that go into creating a great landing page, but there are a few essentials that you cannot leave out. First, the landing page needs to be optimized for mobile. If your website isn't responsive, you need to modernize. 79% of Facebook ad revenue comes from mobile advertising. People use their smartphones all the time now to go online, especially to check their social media accounts. You should also make sure that you have great copy, a direct call to action, and a way to collect their email address.

By using the above best practices, you can improve the way your Facebook ads direct traffic to your website. You can focus on building a relationship with your customer and find ways to nurture those leads into loyal, paying customers. If you're ready to start your own pay per click ad campaign on Facebook, contact iBoost today. We make it a priority to learn the latest algorithms, trends and techniques to optimize PPC campaigns and to provide solutions for your online marketing needs. 

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