How Does PPC Work?
Sep 09,2024

Every business owner wants to see their company name in the number one slot of Google's results page. Being at the top has many benefits, the first being a large amount of traffic going to your website which ultimately leads to increased sales and revenue. However, getting organic search results takes time and effort, and in a competitive industry often requires the skills of a professional. If you're just now thinking about dipping your toes into digital marketing, trying to master SEO can be overwhelming to say the least. That's why many business owners choose to simultaneously grow their SEO rank with the help of an expert, while guaranteeing their site is shown by paying Google for a Pay Per Click ad. When you invest in a PPC campaign, you get to choose your budget, and only pay when someone is interested enough in your offer to click your link. When properly managed, an Adwords campaign can bring in a lot of new loyal customers. Unfortunately, many inexperienced beginners have also wasted their entire quarterly marketing budget in just a few short weeks. At iBoost, we have helped many businesses utilize PPC campaigns to increase sales and profits. Here's a few tips that can help make the process more effective for your company. 


What Kind of Goals Are You Trying to Reach?

What is the Desired Outcome?

Keep a measurable goal in mind for each individual campaign. Throwing out several nearly identical ads that attract a broad, generic audience may not have the kind of conversion rates you're looking for. When you have a specific product or service in mind to offer, you can better direct your audience to the right page on your site. Once you've taken them to your landing page, give a crystal-clear call to action. This isn't the time to be shy. They are clearly already interested in your offer, and getting them there has cost you money, don't be afraid to ask them to make a purchase or call to schedule an appointment. 

Determine Your Ideal Customer and Put Yourself in Their Shoes

Always start your PPC campaign with a deep understanding of the people you are trying to attract. Pick your keywords carefully, and be sure that your audience is using those same search terms when browsing the web. Keep the flow of the campaign in line with your message, make sure the keywords, ad text and landing page are all working together to maximize value. If at any point the campaign leads people to an irrelevant page, the customer relationship could become compromised. Keep all content and sales copy on the landing page aligned with the keywords used, so your new audience instantly recognizes that you understand their struggle and have a solution ready for them. 

Analyze the Results

Without data, it can be hard to measure the success of your PPC campaigns. You may have noticed a recent increase in sales. However, there could be many factors involved in the change. Did you recently publish a popular social media post? Has a major website featured a link to one of your blog posts? Maybe it is because of your PPC efforts, but if you're running more than one ad, which one is bringing in the most traffic? Thankfully there are tools, some of which are available from Google, that can properly analyze your campaigns effort. Be sure that you are tracking URL visits from both organic and paid sources. Knowing your metrics will save you time, money and energy in later PPC campaigns and marketing in general. 

Adjust Your Settings to Compliment Your Current Needs

The default setting for Adwords automatically includes the entire Google network. That means your ad will be displayed not only on search engine result pages, but also:, AOL and other sites across the internet. When you're first starting out, it's best to keep it basic and streamlined. Avoid any extra costs by opting out of this network until you've gained your footing and are seeing a substantial increase in revenue from your current campaigns. Also, your campaigns may be set up to run nationally. For many startups and large corporations, this is ideal. However, if you run a local small business, particularly a service based company, retail store or restaurant, you'll want to change those settings by geotargeting your PPC ads to your city. Always check your settings before a campaign goes live to guarantee that you are getting the most return on your advertising investments. 

Keep it Simple

Make sure that your campaign structure is easy to organize, implement and monitor. Streamline your campaigns into an effective funnel by creating cohesive ad groups with similar keywords. Remember that you'll be checking in daily to ensure your campaigns are running smoothly. You won't want to spend hours sifting through a chaotic mess. Plan well and your PPC ads will be much more effective. 

Do You Need Help Managing Your PPC Campaigns? Contact the PPC experts at iBoost

If you're ready to significantly increase the flow of traffic coming to your website, call iBoost. Our team of SEO specialists and marketing professionals can manage your PPC campaigns for you, so you can focus on running your company. Contact us today and find out how we can help boost your customer reach. 

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