How to Use Twitter to Dominate the Google Search Results
Sep 09,2024

Whether you're looking to improve your brand reputation, displace negative content or find another way to advertise your website on the world's most popular search engine, posting on twitter can help get you the results you want. You may have searched for certain brands or products and noticed the twitter carousel appear on Google's front page. If you're ready to get your own tweets in front of the eyes of millions of potential customers, the experts at iBoost can help. Our SEO and digital marketing specialists have helped many businesses just like yours improve their online reputation and grow their audience. Here are a few ways that your company can use Twitter to rise to the top of the search results page. 


The Benefits of Having Your Tweets Appear on Google Search Results

Showing up on the Twitter carousel on Google comes with many benefits. The most obvious bonus is that you get the same amount of brand recognition and traffic as an Adword campaign, without paying for it. In addition, this free method of marketing won't go away as soon as your budget runs dry. While you'll have to continue posting tweets to keep your spot, you will remain in view far longer than you would with a pay per click ad. Also, if someone clicks on your twitter link, they may be more likely to follow future tweets which will increase the chances they will eventually make a purchase and remain a loyal customer. Twitter posts are also controlled by your company, unlike review sites and news organizations. So, if you've had to deal with negative press or unfair poor reviews, your tweets can push them to the periphery of the internet, where few will ever venture. 

How to Get Your Tweets on Page One

  • Be consistent and tweet frequently. Keep in mind that if you stop tweeting once you gain a spot on the coveted carousel, you'll lose your standing if you take a break. It's best to tweet at least twice a day if you want to stay ahead of the crowd. 
  • Connect with other Twitter accounts by following, commenting, retweeting and liking posts.
  • Use the most popular hashtags and tweet about relevant content that can gain the attention of a mainstream audience. 
  • Gain more followers to increase the number of interactions per tweet. 
  • Take advantage of the sharing features and avoid tweeting by text only. Including pictures, videos and memes can increase the value of your tweet and boost the likelihood that followers will interact with it. 
  • Don't be afraid of using emoji's. While other communication platforms may discourage emoji clutter, Twitters limited use of characters makes their use more appropriate. They can add some color and character to otherwise bland posts and get the attention of users. 

Are You Ready to Increase Your Online Reputation? Call iBoost Today

Have you struggled with getting noticed online? The experts at iBoost are ready to help. We offer a wide range of digital marketing and SEO services. Our team of specialists can help you gain brand recognition, increase the number of connections with potential customers and ultimately help you increase your revenue. Call our office today to discover the many ways we can help you reach your goals. 

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