Why is a Responsive Website So Important?
Sep 09,2024

A study conducted by eMarketer concluded that one out of ten internet users will browse the internet exclusively through mobile devices in 2016. Half of Americans own a tablet of some kind, and Apple alone has sold more than 300 million iPads since 2010. There is overwhelming evidence that people around the world prefer using mobile devices to search the web. The fact is that people are often looking for services, buying products and reading information on their morning commute, while standing in line for their latte, or at a local café waiting for their lunch to arrive. The more that people are on the go, the more often the internet will be accessed on smartphones and tablets, rather than laptops and desktops. Which is why it's more important than ever before to make sure your website is attractive to customers who are on their mobile devices. The best way to achieve this is by upgrading your site and making it fully responsive.


What Makes a Website Responsive?

When smartphones and tablets first came on the scene, developers responded by creating two versions of the same webpage. Users could then choose between the normal site as viewed on their computer, or a simplified mobile page designed for use on other devices. Unfortunately, most mobile sites were missing important information and navigation tools, which led many people to prefer using the normal site on their phones. Doing so meant having to scroll up and down, left and right, or zooming in and out just to read an article or search for a product. Thankfully, innovative programmers quickly developed the perfect solution, the responsive website. 

A truly responsive site will stay the same across all devices, and will simply "respond" to the individual size of the screen by instantly adapting itself to a perfect fit. 

Why Google Cares

Now that responsive sites have become commonplace; Google has updated their algorithm to rank websites in favor of those that are fully responsive. If Google wants to remain the world's most used search engine, they must make it a priority to hold the internet to the highest possible standards. People go to Google because they trust that the sites they recommend on their front page will be relevant to their needs. Therefore, Google has made it their job to hold programmers and developers accountable to the latest trends and advancements. If you have a website that isn't fully responsive, then it will be very difficult to compete for page one rankings. 

User Experience and Why It Matters

Even if a responsive website wasn't necessary for SEO, it would still be advantageous for businesses to make the leap and modernize their site because web users expect it. Landing in the top spots of search engines won't do much good if the person quickly exits your site because it's too difficult to read or navigate. SEO is a great way to generate traffic to your site, but once they get to your page, it's up to you to convert your audience into loyal, paying customers. With responsive sites fast becoming the new norm, shoppers and information seekers simply won't stick around long enough to find out what you're offering. 

Does Your Website Need an Upgrade? 

If you're ready to take your company's online presence to the next level, the team at iBoost is here to help modernize your site and make it more attractive to today's online users. We are experienced in creating beautiful, fully responsive sites that are easy to navigate and increase your businesses search engine results. Boost your customer reach and your revenues by contacting us today, and discovering what our professionals can do for you. 

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