3 Ways to Stop Being Ignored on Social Media
Sep 09,2024

Most of today's businesses from small brick and mortar stores to large corporations, understand the power and potential of social media. However, it can be incredibly frustrating to pour your energy and precious time into creating content and publish it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest – only to find that no one has commented, liked or shared your post. You can start feeling discouraged right away when your hard efforts go largely ignored. The professional social media management team at iBoost are experienced in helping businesses of every size connect with new customers via social media. Over time, we've learned a lot and have discovered three techniques that can help you stand out in the sea of competition. 


Direct Your Posts and Content to a Specific Audience

It's more important than ever before to identify your ideal customer and align your brand message and content to fit that specific group of people. Targeting your ideal audience is the best way to achieve success on social media. Don't waste your time trying to get "follows" or "likes" from people that have no interest in purchasing your products or services. Thankfully, most social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook allow you to target your campaigns with very narrow categories like location, gender, age and certain interests. Use those tools to your advantage. Start using hashtags when you post, doing so will make it easier for people interested in your niche or industry to find you. 

Post Frequently and Be Consistent

Many people "follow" hundreds of pages on Facebook, Google + and Twitter. The algorithms of many of these social media platforms don't show every single post to the user. Instead, they try to narrow down the flow of content to the posts that the person is most likely to interact with. If you only post once every month, or less, then they aren't likely to see your post show up in their feed at all. Even if they do, they might skim right over it because they aren't used to seeing your content. It really does help to set up a social media schedule and post daily. It doesn't always have to be original content, it can be shares as well, but you need to make sure that you are checking in daily and giving your company a chance to be seen by current and potential customers. 

Stay Engaged and Be Authentic

It isn't good enough to press the post button and walk away. The key word to remember in social media is social. That means you need to consistently engage with your audience and customers. If someone comments on your post, you need to be aware of it and respond as quickly as possible. Ignoring a customer on social media means you're missing a marketing opportunity at best, or losing a valuable customer at worst. Be sure to turn on alerts and pay attention to your social media channels. Set times throughout the day to check back in and look to see if anyone has responded, liked or shared your post. Be sure to acknowledge everyone that has interacted with you. A little recognition can go a long way and create an audience that remains loyal and interested in your offerings. 

Interested in Social Media Management? Let iBoost Help Grow Your Audience

At iBoost, we understand that creating content for your business and sharing it consistently on social media can quickly become a full-time job. Most managers and business owners are very busy and simply don't have the extra time to do it themselves. The hassles of hiring full time staff, coupled with additional overhead costs also keeps a lot of companies from creating a dedicated in-house department. There's no need to miss out on the benefits of having a professional digital marketing team on your side. Call iBoost today and find out how our social media management services can help your business can reach new customers.

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