Top Techniques for Getting Social Media Shares
Sep 09,2024

It can be frustrating to continually hear about other companies with viral content, when you can't seem to get a single like on your latest Facebook post. You may have entered the realm of online marketing and social media expecting to become an overnight superstar, but there's a chance you could be experiencing less than stellar results. It's not uncommon for entrepreneurs and small business owners to get overwhelmed by disappointment. Don't throw in the towel just yet. At iBoost, we help businesses of all sizes increase their online sales and traffic with the latest SEO and digital marketing strategies. We have helped many companies achieve their social media goals, and we want to do the same for you as well. Here are just a few of the ways you can get more engagement on social media and increase your followers and number of shares. 


Make it Easy for Customers to Share Your Products and Blog Posts Directly from Your Site

If you're having success with your organic SEO and search engine rankings, but aren't offering an easy way for your customers to share content from your page, then you're ignoring a huge opportunity. There are many tools available for embedding social share buttons directly on your blog posts and product pages, which allow readers and buyers to instantly and easily share your content, without leaving your site. This can significantly help increase your social shares without negatively impacting your bounce rate. 

Get More Social Media Followers

If you haven't been on social media for long, or have remained inconsistent or inactive, then it's likely that you don't have very many people following your channels yet. There's no reason to expect your posts and tweets to be shared by the thousands if you only have two hundred followers. If you want a lot of shares, it's important that you're constantly implementing tactics for growing your page likes and followers. 

Publish Posts During Peak times

If you're posting your content during hours or days when social media users are sleeping or working, then it isn't likely to be seen by very many people. There isn't exactly a golden rule on the perfect timing in general. Choosing the right time slow will be determined by your industry and target audience. For instance, sending out posts for a B2B company on a Saturday morning wouldn't be very productive. On the other hand, a night club might have little luck attracting people to their promotional tweet on a Tuesday morning. Know your audience, conduct some analytics and find out when your current audience seems to be the most engaged. Once you've discovered the answer, put it in your calendar and remain consistent. 

Include a Call to Action in Your Posts

Don't be afraid to simply ask your followers to share after every post. Sometimes people just need a subtle reminder. Many customers are using social media passively, simply scrolling through their feeds for news, family updates or out of boredom. They might not be in the mind frame to share content, but if you say "support our message by clicking that share button", then they will be more likely to do so. 

Need Help Growing Your Online Reach? Call iBoost Today

Are you ready to see more action on your social media channels? Skyrocket your online sales goals with help from the experts at iBoost. We'll work with you one on one and develop a customized approach that's perfect for your company's unique needs and budget. Call today and find out what we can do for you. 

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