Ways to Improve Your Domain Authority Search engines like Bing and Google have a responsibility to uphold the highest standards for their users. Otherwise, they risk losing their advertisers and eventually their company as a whole.
Sep 09,2024

Ways to Improve Your Domain Authority

Search engines like Bing and Google have a responsibility to uphold the highest standards for their users. Otherwise, they risk losing their advertisers and eventually their company as a whole. Therefore, they’re primary objective when using algorithms is providing the highest value content to people who are searching for information online. Domain authority is often neglected by freelancers, small businesses and entrepreneurs because they simply aren’t aware of just how important it is to their success. At iBoost, we help companies of all sizes, across all industries, find innovative ways to increase their audience and improve online sales through quality SEO and digital marketing techniques. Are you looking for ways to raise your website’s domain authority? Here are some suggestions that can help your site rise to the top of the front page. 


Be Mobile Friendly
Most people use their smart phones and tablets to access information on the go. While desktops and laptops are still used at home and in the office, people who are out shopping or looking for a nice meal to eat will likely search using a mobile device. If your still using an outdated static website that can’t be properly viewed on mobile screens then you’re going to fall far behind the competition. Make sure to update your site as soon as possible to increase your reach and find new customers. 

Use a Relevant Domain Name
You may use a name like “Kate’s Place” for a local burger stand, or “Brine & Vine” for a store that sells exclusive wines and olive oils, but that won’t help web users understand what you’re selling. When choosing a domain name for your website, be sure to use keywords that will let search engines know what you’re up to. 

Link Building is a Must 
Links are one of the most important aspects of building domain authority. Bots patrol data behind the scenes, looking for webpages that are linked to other well respected sites. That means you need to have links on your site that send users to quality content, and you also need to have high authority sites linking to your pages. The first part of this equation is relatively easy, but the second half can prove difficult for someone without a lot of connections. It can help to join a small business organization in your community or become a member of a respected online mastermind group. Both of these activities will allow you to network with other individuals and companies in your industry, who will understand the mutual benefit of building links together. You can also contact local reporters in your area, or offer to guest post on relevant sites that allow a link in the bio section. 

Flush Out Bad Links 
Just as great links will build your authority, broken links or linking to a poor-quality website can have the opposite effect. This is why simply adding your link to a spammy link building site may do more harm than good. Be sure to clean up any internal or external links on your sites every month or so, and fix any issues. 

Improve Your Sites Loading Speed
Having a slow loading time can also impede the growth of your domain authority. People aren’t very patient with technology anymore. New technologies allow users to access information immediately, and no one wants to wait five minutes for your text and images to appear on the screen. Not only will this send potential buyers running from your page, it will lower your standing with Google and other search engines. 

Need to Improve Your Domain Authority? Get Help from the Experts at iBoost
Are you disappointed with your current domain authority? Skyrocket your success with the team at iBoost. Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve your goals. 

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